1QL atmospheric
2UB atmospheric
3WK atmospheric
4GRN atmospheric
5HD atmospheric
6PTA atmospheric
8UCIAMS atmospheric
59Galimberti atmospheric
60MAMS atmospheric
61AIX atmospheric
62AAR atmospheric
63ManningKromer atmospheric
64VERA atmospheric
65Sakamoto atmospheric
66Debrecen atmospheric
67Miyake atmospheric
68Pearson atmospheric
69ETH atmospheric
98Adolphi atmospheric
99Turney atmospheric
109Bronk Ramsey atmospheric
110Bard marine
111Fairbanks marine
114Cutler marine
115Hughen marine
117Durand marine
120Hughen marine
121Bard marine
122Bard marine
124Southon speleothem
125Hoffman speleothem
126Beck speleothem
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*calsig is the maximum of calendar span and calendar uncertainty
*c14sig includes the reservoir/dead carbon fraction uncertainty.
(for details select More... at the top of the page)